

Fee Schedule: (May vary)

Egg Donor Base Compensation $4,000-$30,000 varies based on qualifications, health history, genetic and physical attributes, and prior successful donor status

The Egg Donor compensation is paid 20% of her base fee at the start of a cycle and the remaining balance within 10 days of a successful cycle. Some Egg Donors are asked to cycle more than 1 time and you will receive additional compensation for each cycle/sibling donation. Egg Donors must have a minimum of a high school diploma or GED but are compensated more for higher education. Transcripts and resume will be required with your profile. Proof of special circumstances will be necessary as well.

Misc. Allowance $200

This allowance is to be used for such things as: telephone calls, faxes, postage, local appt. childcare, house cleaning fees during the time of contracting, vitamins, or any other additional costs to the Egg Donor. This starts the 1st of the month following legal clearance and continues through the month of donation.

Dropped Cycle Fee: $1,000

Once the medications for donation have started, if the cycle is dropped at the Intended Parents request and at no fault of the surrogate or due to medical complications, the Donor will receive a dropped cycle payment within 10 days of termination of cycle.

Invasive Procedures $1,000

Should the Egg Donor require additional medical procedure because of Donation this fee will be disbursed within 10 days of the procedure.

Travel Fees Vary

Travel pertaining to Egg Donation over 60 miles round trip reimbursed at cost (.60 per mile driven, childcare up to $160/24 hours or $100 for a day trip, hotel, plane tickets, food allowance at $50/day, ect)

Travel Out of Country:

For Egg Donors in the travel abroad program, the Egg Donor and a travel companion will be reimbursed for passports and visa as required for travel. The Egg Donor will have flight and
hotel/rental provided for each donation cycle. Reimbursements for long distance travel will apply.

Lost Wages TBD

In the event that the Surrogate is put on work restriction or bed rest, she will be compensated her lost wages minus disability payments for said wages. This will continue until 6 week post vagnal birth and 8 weeks post c-section delivery.

Lost Wages Companion:

The companion is allowed up to 1 day of lost wages for medical clearance as well as up to 2 days of lost wages to attend the donation. This will require proof of loss and is capped at $250/day.

Psychological Support $1,500 as needed/requested

The Egg Donor can request support if needed throughout the donation cycle up to 4 weeks after donation.

Health Insurance

Should the Egg Donor not have insurance coverage at the time of cycle, a private policy for the time of treatment can be purchased at the Intended Parents expense to cover any emergency medical expenses resulting from Egg Donation.

Life Insurance

The Intended Parents will provide the Egg Donor a $250,000 one-year life insurance policy at the Egg Donor’s request.

Loss of Reproductive Organ Insurance: $10,000.00

The Intended Parents will provide the Egg Donor with an insurance plan to cover any loss of function of all reproductive organs.

Attorney Fees (Surrogate) $500 – $2,000 (estimate)

The Egg Donor has the right to legal representation throughout the contracting process at the expense of the Intended Parents.